BpcSMScriptLibrary 9

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TStringGrid BPC Library

Language: Delphi 7 - 2007

Library provides routines for manipulating standard Delphi TStringGrids

//////// TStringGrid BPC Library

uses Classes, Types,  Windows, Grids, DB;

// TStringGrid BPC Library

// Copy the selected rows from the grid into the clipboard as an smXMLPacket
// Returns true if the clipboard is non-empty
function bpcsmXMLSGGrid1Copy( Sender: TStringGrid) : boolean;
// Copy the selected rows from the grid into the clipboard as a CSV packet
// Returns true if the clipboard is non-empty
function bpcCSVSGGrid1Copy( Sender: TStringGrid) : boolean;
function bpcTABSGGrid1Copy( Sender: TStringGrid) : boolean;
// Paste into the stringgrid as a CSV, TAB, XML string and return the string
function bpcXMLSGGrid1Paste( Sender: TStringGrid) : TStringGrid;
function bpcCSVSGGrid1Paste( Sender: TStringGrid) : TStringGrid;
function bpcTABSGGrid1Paste( Sender: TStringGrid) : TStringGrid;
// Write the stringgrid to a string as a CSV file and return the string
function bpcSGWriteTABString(myStringGrid1: TStringGrid ) : string;
// Write the stringgrid to a string as a CSV file and return the string
function bpcSGWriteCSVString(myStringGrid1: TStringGrid ) : string;
// Read in a CSV string - the first row MUST BE the headings.  Strings are marked by "" and ',' are separators.
// If bGrowFromLastRow is true, the file will be added to theend of the stringgrid without clearing, if bClearGrid is true all
// columns will be cleared.  FixedCols is the number of fixed columns from the left, while StartCol says which col to start
// inserting data, while FixedColsList is a comma separated list of headings for the fixed columns portion (assuming the
// startcol is after the fied cols. The CSVString is the CSV string to be imported.  Returns the
// stringgrid.
function bpcSGLoadCSVString( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; bGrowFromLastRow: boolean; bClearGrid: boolean; FixedCols, StartCol : integer; FixedColsList: string; CSVString: string): TStringGrid; overload;
function bpcSGLoadTABString( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; bGrowFromLastRow: boolean; bClearGrid: boolean; FixedCols, StartCol : integer; FixedColsList: string; CSVString: string): TStringGrid; overload;
function bpcSGLoadDLMString( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; bGrowFromLastRow: boolean; bClearGrid: boolean; FixedCols, StartCol : integer; FixedColsList: string; CSVString: string; Delim : char ): TStringGrid; overload;
// Read in a CSV file - the first row MUST BE the headings.  Strings are marked by "" and ',' are separators.
// If bGrowFromLastRow is true, the file will be added to theend of the stringgrid without clearing, if bClearGrid is true all
// columns will be cleared.  FixedCols is the number of fixed columns from the left, while StartCol says which col to start
// inserting data, while FixedColsList is a comma separated list of headings for the fixed columns portion (assuming the
// startcol is after the fied cols. The FileName is the full path including filename to the csv file to be imported.  Returns the
// stringgrid.
// eg: bpcSGLoadCSVFile( StringGrid1,(MergeRowsDSCBX.Checked), (not (MergeRowsDSCBX.Checked or MergeColsDSCBX.Checked)), 1, iff(MergeColsDSCBX.Checked,StringGrid1.ColCount,1), 'Status', FileName );
function bpcSGLoadCSVFile( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; bGrowFromLastRow: boolean; bClearGrid: boolean; FixedCols, StartCol : integer; FixedColsList: string; FileName: string; QuotesAreDoubled : boolean=false ): TStringGrid;
// Read in a dtatset - the fieild names are used as the headings of the grid.
// If bGrowFromLastRow is true, the file will be added to theend of the stringgrid without clearing, if bClearGrid is true all
// columns will be cleared.  FixedCols is the number of fixed columns from the left, while StartCol says which col to start
// inserting data, while FixedColsList is a comma separated list of headings for the fixed columns portion (assuming the
// startcol is after the fied cols. The FileContents is the tdataset to be imported, which will be opened if necessary,
// and repositioned at the first record after completion. Returns the stringgrid.
// eg: bpcSGLoadFromTable( StringGrid1, (MergeRowsDSCBX.Checked), (not (MergeRowsDSCBX.Checked or MergeColsDSCBX.Checked)), 1, iff(MergeColsDSCBX.Checked,StringGrid1.ColCount,1), 'Status', FileContents );
function bpcSGLoadFromTable( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; bGrowFromLastRow: boolean; bClearGrid: boolean; FixedCols, StartCol : integer; FixedColsList: string; FileContents: TDataSet): TStringGrid;
// Fill a stringgrid column targcol with an (optionally incrementing) Mask of chars, or with GUID's, FromRow ToRowand and return the stringgrid
//      bpcSGFillRows( StringGrid1, FromRow,  ToRow, MakeGUIDs, Mask, MaskChar, StartString, IncrementBy, OnlyNums )
// eg: bpcSGFillRows( StringGrid1, StringGrid1.Col, FromRow,  ToRow, FillColumnDlg.UseGUIDCBX.Checked, FillColumnDlg.FillMask.Text, iff( FillColumnDlg.UseMaskCharCBX.Checked, iff( length(FillColumnDlg.MaskChar.Text)>0, FillColumnDlg.MaskChar.Text[1], '#'), #0 ), trim(FillColumnDlg.StartString.Text) ,iff( FillColumnDlg.IncrementCBX.Checked, FillColumnDlg.Incrementer.AsInteger, 0 ), FillColumnDlg.NumsOnlyCBX.Checked );
function bpcSGFillRows( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; targcol : integer; FromRow,  ToRow : integer; MakeGUIDs : boolean; Mask : string; MaskChar : char; StartString : string; IncrementBy : integer; OnlyNums  : boolean ) : TStringGrid; overload;
// Fill a stringgrid column targcol with GUID's FromRow ToRowand and return the stringgrid
function bpcSGFillRows( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; targcol : integer; FromRow,  ToRow : integer; MakeGUIDs : boolean ) : TStringGrid; overload;
// Write the stringgrid to a file called sFileName as a CSV file
procedure bpcSGWriteCSVFile(myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; sFileName : string);
// Insert a new blank col at curcol in a stringgrid col returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGDeleteCol( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; TargCol : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Delete the row at targrow in a stringgrid returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGDeleteRow( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; TargRow : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Delete the rows in a stringgrid preserving the header row if includeHeader is false and returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGDeleteAllRows( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; includeHeader : boolean ) : TStringGrid;
// Insert a new blank col at curcol in a stringgrid col returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGInsertCol( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; CurCol : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Insert a new blank row at currow in a stringgrid row returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGInsertRow( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; CurRow : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Clear the contents of a stringgrid col at targcol
function bpcSGClearCol( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; targcol : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Clear the contents of a stringgrid row at targrow
function bpcSGClearRow( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; targrow : integer ) : TStringGrid;
// Clear all the contents of a stringgrid preserving the header row if includeHeader is false and returning the stringgrid
function bpcSGClearAllRows( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; includeHeader : boolean ) : TStringGrid;
// Returns the column index of the stringgrid col corresponding to the colname
function bpcSGIndexOfSGCol( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; colname : string ) : integer;
// Returns true if the stringgrid row is empty
function bpcSGIsEmptyRow( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; targrow : integer ) : boolean;
// Copies a StringGrid col fromcol tocol and returns the index of the col after the tocol
function bpcSGCopyCol( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; tocol, fromcol : integer ) : integer;
// Copies a StringGrid row fromrow torow and returns the index of the row after the torow
function bpcSGCopyRow( myStringGrid1: TStringGrid; torow, fromrow : integer ) : integer;
