HTML Editor
Language: Delphi 7 - 2007
This is a straight implementation of Lindso Larsen's wrapper for MSHTML. Refer http://www.euromind.com/iedelphi
This implementation has substantially been superceded by Balsa EmbeddedWB
//*********************************************************** // TbpcHTMLEditDesigner ver 1.00 (Jan. 14, 2000) * // * // Freeware Component * // by * // Per Lindsø Larsen * // per.lindsoe@larsen.dk * // * // Documentation and updated versions: * // * // http://www.euromind.com/iedelphi * //*********************************************************** unit bpcHTMLEditDesigner; interface uses Mshtml_Ewb {mshtml_tlb}, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; const SID_SHTMLEditServices: TGUID = (D1: $3050f7f9; D2: $98b5; D3: $11cf; D4: ($bb, $82, $00, $AA, $00, $bd, $ce, $0b)); type TbpcHTMLPreHandleEvent = function(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult of object; TbpcHTMLPostHandleEvent = function(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult of object; TbpcHTMLTranslateAccelerator = function(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult of object; TbpcHTMLPostEditorEventNotify = function(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult of object; TbpcHTMLEditDesigner = class(TComponent, IUnknown, IHtmlEditDesigner) private FPreHandleEvent: TbpcHTMLPreHandleEvent; FPostHandleEvent: TbpcHTMLPostHandleEvent; FTranslateAccelerator: TbpcHTMLTranslateAccelerator; FPostEditorEventNotify: TbpcHTMLPostEditorEventNotify; { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } function PreHandleEvent(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult; stdcall; function PostHandleEvent(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult; stdcall; function TranslateAccelerator(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult; stdcall; function PostEditorEventNotify(inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj): HResult; stdcall; public { Public declarations } published property OnPreHandleEvent: TbpcHTMLPreHandleEvent read FPreHandleEvent write FPreHandleEvent; property OnPostHandleEvent: TbpcHTMLPostHandleEvent read FPostHandleEvent write FPostHandleEvent; property OnPostEditorEventNotify: TbpcHTMLPostEditorEventNotify read FPostEditorEventNotify write FPostEditorEventNotify; property OnTranslateAccelerator: TbpcHTMLTranslateAccelerator read FTranslateAccelerator write FTranslateAccelerator; { Published declarations } end;