BpcSMScriptLibrary 8

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bpcXML Data Transfer Utility Routines

Language: Delphi 7 - 2007

//////// bpcXML Data Transfer Utility Routines. Uses TbpcPublicationManager object.

uses windows, SysUtils, Classes, JvComponent, JvDirectories, Types, DB, ADODB, Psock, NMsmtp, DBGrids, HTTPApp, HTTPProd,
  NMHttp, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient,
  IdHTTP, xmldom, XMLIntf, msxmldom, XMLDoc, {JvBaseDlg,} IdAuthentication, bpcDBBookMarkList,
  LMDCustomComponent, lmdcont, bpcSMScriptLibrary_7;

  TbpcsmDSMapperfunc= function( const sDataSetName: string): string of object;
  TbpcSMConfirmOk = Function( var myResult : variant ) : integer of object;
  TbpcHTTPSuccess =  procedure (Cmd: CmdType) of object;
  TbpcValidfunc = function (sOID, sPID: string): string;
  TbpcGetPSTTableMasterIndex = function ( Sender: TDataSet ) : string;
  TGovDupFlags = ( csmHeader, csmQuestionsByRef, csmQuestionsByAct, csmScripts, csmInstances );
  TGovDupFlagsSet = set of TGovDupFlags;
  TGovMaintHTTPSuccess =  procedure (Cmd: CmdType) of object;
  TGovMaintUpdateStatusBar = procedure of object;
  TGovMaintConfirmOk = Function( var myResult : variant ) : integer of object;
  TGovMaintWSLoginDlg = Function( var Username : string; var PassWord : string ) : boolean of object;
  TGovMaintInfoErrorAdvice = procedure( myAdvice : string ) of object;

  TbpcPublicationManager = class(TObject)
    funUplinkFail: TbpcHTTPSuccess;
    funUplinkComplete: TbpcHTTPSuccess;
    Activated : boolean;
    funGetTargetDLLModuleName: TSimpleStringFunc;
    function DummyValidateSMAccess(sOID, sPID: string): string;
    Owner : TDataModule;
    ADOConnection1: TADOConnection;
    funDataSetMapperFunc, funOutGoingDataSetMapperFunc : TbpcsmDSMapperfunc;
    funValidateAccess : TbpcValidfunc;
    funGetTableMasterIndex : TbpcGetPSTTableMasterIndex;
    funGetOrgID, funGetPID : TSimpleStringFunc;
    ConfirmOkFunc : TbpcSMConfirmOk;
    PreviewCommsPackets : boolean;
    iniURLDefPublicationSite : string;
    {TargetDLLModuleName,} TargetModuleExt, TargetModuleAction  : string;
    tsDataSetIndexes : TStrings;

    IdHTTP1 : TIdHTTP;
    XMLDocument1 : TXMLDocument;

    constructor create(myOwner : TDataModule;  myADOConnection: TADOConnection; myDataSetMapperFunc, myOutGoingDataSetMapperFunc : TbpcsmDSMapperfunc; myConfirmOkFunc : TbpcSMConfirmOk );
    destructor destroy;

    function GetActive : boolean;
    procedure SetActive( value : boolean );
    function DataSetMapperFunc( const sDataSetName : string ) : string ;
    function OutGoingDataSetMapperFunc( const sDataSetName : string ) : string ;
    // Send the current row or all rows of the sender dataset to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // Defaults the destination to ''.
    // bpcBookMarks is an alternative to BookMarks (the latter requiring a grid, while the former does not). If both are set, BookMarks are used.
    function SendToPubServer( indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil ): string; overload;
    // Send the current row or all rows of the sender dataset to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // bpcBookMarks is an alternative to BookMarks (the latter requiring a grid, while the former does not). If both are set, BookMarks are used.
    // If Confirmer is assigned, the associated TSurvMaintConfirmOk routine will be called before the XML packet is dispatched.
    function SendToPubServer( confirmer: TbpcSMConfirmOk ;destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean; sendermode: TbpcSMSTPMode; DelFilter: string; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil ) : string; overload;
    // Send the current row or all rows of the sender dataset to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // bpcBookMarks is an alternative to BookMarks (the latter requiring a grid, while the former does not). If both are set, BookMarks are used.
    function  SendToPubServer( destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean; sendermode: TbpcSMSTPMode; DelFilter: string; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil ): string; overload;
    function  SendToPubServer( destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil ) : string; overload;
    // Send the all rows of the sending qry (named sourceQryName, or if '' named destination) to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    function SendToPubServer( destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean; sendermode: TbpcSMSTPMode; DelFilter: string; sourceQryName, sendingQry : string; publishto : string ) : string; overload;
    // Send the all rows of the sending qry (named sourceQryName, or if '' named destination) to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // If Confirmer is assigned, the associated TGovMaintConfirmOk routine will be called before the XML packet is dispatched.
    function SendToPubServer( confirmer: TbpcSMConfirmOk ;destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean;  sendermode: TbpcSMSTPMode; DelFilter: string; sourceQryName, sendingQry : string; publishto : string ) : string; overload;
    // Send the all rows of the sending qry (named sourceQryName, or if '' named destination) to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // If Confirmer is assigned, the associated TGovMaintConfirmOk routine will be called before the XML packet is dispatched.
    // Assumes the sendermode (not present in this version) is the Update (ie. NOT replace mode)
    function SendToPubServer( confirmer: TbpcSMConfirmOk ;destination, indexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendastable:boolean;  sourceQryName, sendingQry : string; publishto : string ) : string; overload;
    procedure GetFromPubServer(indexby, returnindexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string ; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil);
    procedure GetSimpleFromPubServer(indexby, returnindexby : string; singleonly:boolean; sendingDS : TDataSet; publishto : string; myParams : Variant );
    // Return the index for the dataset (only some known datasets covered)
    function GetTableMasterIndex( Sender: TDataSet ) : string;
    // Send the current row or all rows of the sender dataset to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // The correct index will be found in the DataSetIndexes StringList and matched with the dataset prior to sending.
    procedure IndexedSendToPubServer( SingleOnly: boolean; Sender: TDataSet; URL : string=''; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil );   Overload;
    // Get the current row or all rows of the sender dataset from the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // The correct index will be found in the DataSetIndexes StringList and matched with the dataset prior to sending.
    procedure IndexedGetFromPubServer( SingleOnly: boolean; Sender: TDataSet; URL : string=''; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil);   Overload;
    // Send the current row or all rows of the sender dataset to the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // The correct index will be found in the provided myTableIndexes StringList and matched with the dataset prior to sending.
    procedure IndexedSendToPubServer(myTableIndexes : TStrings; SingleOnly: boolean; Sender: TDataSet; URL : string=''; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil);   Overload;
    // Get the current row or all rows of the sender dataset from the URL (or if URL is ommitted, the iniURLDefPublicationSite)
    // The correct index will be found in the provided myTableIndexes StringList and matched with the dataset prior to sending.
    procedure IndexedGetFromPubServer(myTableIndexes : TStrings; SingleOnly: boolean; Sender: TDataSet; URL : string=''; BookMarks : TBookmarklist=nil; bpcBookMarks : TbpcBookmarkList=nil);  Overload;

    property OnGetOrgID : TSimpleStringFunc read funGetOrgID write funGetOrgID;
    property OnGetPID : TSimpleStringFunc read funGetPID write funGetPID;
    property Active : boolean read GetActive write SetActive;
    property EnableCommsPreview : boolean read PreviewCommsPackets write PreviewCommsPackets;
    property PublicationSite : string read iniURLDefPublicationSite write iniURLDefPublicationSite;
    property OnGetTargetDLL : TSimpleStringFunc read funGetTargetDLLModuleName write funGetTargetDLLModuleName;
    property TargetAction : string read TargetModuleAction write TargetModuleAction;
    property TargetExt : string read TargetModuleExt write TargetModuleExt;
    property IdHTTP : TIdHTTP read IdHTTP1 write IdHTTP1;
    property DataSetIndexes : TStrings read tsDataSetIndexes  write tsDataSetIndexes;
    property OnValidateAccess : TbpcValidfunc read funValidateAccess write funValidateAccess;
    property OnConfirmOkFunc : TbpcSMConfirmOk read ConfirmOkFunc write ConfirmOkFunc;
    property OnGetTableMasterIndex : TbpcGetPSTTableMasterIndex read funGetTableMasterIndex write funGetTableMasterIndex;
    property OnOutGoingDataSetMapper : TbpcsmDSMapperfunc read funOutGoingDataSetMapperFunc write funOutGoingDataSetMapperFunc;
    property OnDataSetMapper : TbpcsmDSMapperfunc read funDataSetMapperFunc write funDataSetMapperFunc;
    property OnUpLinkComplete : TbpcHTTPSuccess read funUplinkComplete write funUplinkComplete;
    property OnUpLinkFail : TbpcHTTPSuccess read funUplinkFail write funUplinkFail;
